Manual therapy
Manual therapy is a hands-on approach to treating injured tissues. This includes mobilization/manipulation of fascia, connective tissue, and neural structures.

What is manual therapy
Manual therapy is the hands-on approach to putting pressure on muscle tissue and manipulating joints to decrease back pain caused by muscle spasms, muscle tension, and joint dysfunction.
When is manual therapy Used in Your Rehab?
Manual therapy is helpful in diagnosing and treating painful conditions and disorders. Manual therapy is another cornerstone of our treatment approach at Front Runner Physiotherapy. This treatment approach helps relieve pain, decrease swelling, decrease restrictions, and improve range of motion.
Why is manual therapy used in your rehab?
The benefits of manual therapy go beyond just the treatment to the qualities of physical touch and connection with a patient. When followed up with exercise, manual therapy restores efficient movement and is the most effective way to improve a patient’s quality of life.
How Front Runner Physiotherapy is changing Manual Therapy for York, Pa.
Far too often, manual therapy is hyped up by flashy, fancy, gadgets or gimmick tools, many of these devices you can buy yourself! These tools are marketed to make you believe that you can heal faster and quicker. When you receive manual therapy from us, you will never see us using massage guns, scented oils, or any device that you can buy and use on yourself! Front Runner Physiotherapy is leading the South Central Pennsylvania area in manual therapy by taking a scientific approach and constantly measuring change with a consistent assessment before and after treatment along with in-between session changes. This is why all sessions are 1-on-1 and never utilize assistants or aides! If there is no assessing then there is only guessing. You don’t have time for guessing! You have goals you want to achieve and Front Runner Physiotherapy is here to get you back to those goals! Contact us so that we can discuss how we use an individualized hands-on approach for the management of soft tissue injuries.